The Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada (CMAAC), federally incorporated in 1983, promotes the practice and regulation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture (TCM/A) across Canada. With eight chapters nationwide, CMAAC became a member of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) in 1987. WFAS is the only TCM/A organization fully recognized by the World Health Organization.

As a non-profit charitable association, CMAAC has played a key role in advancing TCM/A regulation, collaborating with provincial and federal governments to support regulation in provinces such as Nova Scotia, Ontario, and British Columbia.

Spine acupunture
  1. CMAAC Objectives:

  2. Unite practitioners of Eastern and Western medicine.

  3. Establish high standards for TCM/A education and training.

  4. Promote public awareness of TCM and Acupuncture.

  5. Participate in international conferences to exchange research.

  6. Collaborate with organizations such as the World Wildlife Federation and the Canadian Health Care Anti-Fraud Association.


The Nova Scotia chapter of CMAAC (NS-CMAAC) was established in 1990 to set education and practice standards for TCM and Acupuncture in Nova Scotia and the Maritimes. Led by its first president, Dr. Diana Tong Li, NS-CMAAC has been a strong advocate for the regulation of acupuncture and TCM, prioritizing public safety and professional integrity.

teaching shoulder acupuncture